saveRDS(snakemake, snakemake@log$snakemake)
source(snakemake@params$setup, echo=FALSE)
# opts_chunk$set(fig.width=10, fig.height=8)
dataset <- snakemake@wildcards$dataset
workingDir <- snakemake@params$workingDir
fdsLocal <- loadFraserDataSet(dir=workingDir, name=paste0("raw-local-", dataset))
fdsMerge <- loadFraserDataSet(dir=workingDir, name=paste0("raw-", dataset))
has_external <- !(all($SPLICE_COUNTS_DIR)) || is.null(fdsMerge@colData$SPLICE_COUNTS_DIR))
fdsMerge@colData$isExternal <- as.factor(!$SPLICE_COUNTS_DIR))
fdsMerge@colData$isExternal <- as.factor(FALSE)
devNull <- saveFraserDataSet(fdsMerge,dir=workingDir, name=paste0("raw-", dataset))
Local: 100
External: 0
Local (before filtering): 1178543
After filtering: 110839
Local: 216897
The expression filtering step removes introns that are lowly expressed. The requirements for an intron to pass this filter are:
plotFilterExpression(fdsMerge) +
labs(title="", x="Mean Intron Expression", y="Introns") +
theme_cowplot(font_size = 16)
The variability filtering step removes introns that have no or little variability in the splice metric values across samples. The requirement for an intron to pass this filter is:
plotFilterVariability(fdsMerge) +
labs(title="", y="Introns") +
theme_cowplot(font_size = 16)